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1d Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation.

import jax
import exponax as ex
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ks_stepper = ex.stepper.KuramotoSivashinskyConservative(
    num_spatial_dims=1, domain_extent=100.0,
    num_points=200, dt=0.1,

u_0 = ex.ic.RandomTruncatedFourierSeries(
    num_spatial_dims=1, cutoff=5
)(num_points=200, key=jax.random.PRNGKey(0))

trajectory = ex.rollout(ks_stepper, 500, include_init=True)(u_0)

plt.imshow(trajectory[:, 0, :].T, aspect='auto', cmap='RdBu', vmin=-2, vmax=2, origin="lower")
plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("Space");

For a next step, check out the simple_advection_example_1d.ipynb notebook in the examples folder, and check out the Documentation.


  1. JAX as the computational backend:
    1. Backend agnotistic code - run on CPU, GPU, or TPU, in both single and double precision.
    2. Automatic differentiation over the timesteppers - compute gradients of solutions with respect to initial conditions, parameters, etc.
    3. Also helpful for tight integration with Deep Learning since each timestepper is just an Equinox Module.
    4. Automatic Vectorization using jax.vmap (or equinox.filter_vmap) allowing to advance multiple states in time or instantiate multiple solvers at a time that operate efficiently in batch.
  2. Lightweight Design without custom types. There is no grid or state object. Everything is based on jax.numpy arrays. Timesteppers are callable PyTrees.
  3. More than 35 pre-built dynamics:
    1. Linear PDEs in 1d, 2d, and 3d (advection, diffusion, dispersion, etc.)
    2. Nonlinear PDEs in 1d, 2d, and 3d (Burgers, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, Korteweg-de Vries, Navier-Stokes, etc.)
    3. Reaction-Diffusion (Gray-Scott, Swift-Hohenberg, etc.)
  4. Collection of initial condition distributions (truncated Fourier series, Gaussian Random Fields, etc.)
  5. Utilities for spectral derivatives, grid creation, autogressive rollout, etc.
  6. Easily extendable to new PDEs by subclassing from the BaseStepper module.
  7. Normalized interface for reduced number of parameters to uniquely define any dynamics.


MIT, see here  ·  GitHub @ceyron  ·  X @felix_m_koehler