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Design Decisions¤

The Exponax package targets the fixed time step simulation of semi-linear partial differential equations. Those are PDEs of the form

\[ \partial_t u = \mathcal{L} u + \mathcal{N}(u) \]

where \(\mathcal{L}\) is a linear differential operator and \(\mathcal{N}\) is a non-linear differential operator. The equations are first-order in time. Semi-linear means that the order of derivative in the linear operator \(\mathcal{L}\) is higher than the order of the non-linear operator \(\mathcal{N}\). Or in other terms, the difficulty in (numerically) solving this PDE mainly stems from the linear part.

The package incurs the following design decisions. Reasons can be (M)athematical or (C)onvenience.

Periodic Boundary Conditions (M, C)¤

  • Allows for usage of Fourier (pseudo-)spectral methods.
  • The linear operator fully diagonalizes in Fourier space.
  • FFTs are highly efficient (on the GPU).

The domain is always a (scaled) hypercube (C)¤

The domain is always limited to \(\Omega = (0, L)^D\) where \(D\) is the dimension, i.e., the extent is the same in all directions. In other words, the package cannot simulate phenomena with an aspect ratio different from 1.

The domain is discretized with a uniform Cartesian grid with same number of degrees of freedom in each direction (C, M)¤

Only real-valued PDEs (C)¤

Both the linear and the non-linear operator are real-valued.

  • We can use the rfftn by default (saves about half the computation)
  • Avoids ambiguities with spectral derivatives at the Nyquist mode
  • The evolved trajectory in state space is always real which more closely matches what deep learning typically expects.

No channel mixing in the linear operator (M, C)¤

  • breaks down the diagonalization in Fourier space

No inhomogeneous coefficients in front of the linear operator (M)¤

  • also breaks down the diagonalization in Fourier space
  • implement a custom nonlinear operator if you need inhomogeneous coefficients

Fixed time step (C)¤


Only smooth problems (M)¤

  • The package does not support problems with discontinuities or shocks.

Most pre-defined steppers have isotropic linear operators (C)¤

  • Eases the interface
  • One can implement its own custom time stepper. Exponax supports anistropy (=spatial mixing) but does not support channel mixing in the linear operator. However, channel mixing in the non-linear operator is fine!

The default order of ETDRK method is 2 (C, M)¤

  • I observed the best numerical stability in the coefficient computation. Higher-order methods have more sensible coefficient computation relying more greatly on the complex contour integral method.

Works only with problems for which the difficulty stems from the linear part (M)¤

  • This is noticeable that the benefit for example for Navier-Stokes at higher Reynolds numbers becomes less and less.

All time-steppers are by default single-batch (C)¤

In contrast to other deep learning frameworks (like PyTorch, TensorFlow, or Flax), Exponax time steppers by default operate of tensors of the shape (C, *N) with an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions *N and one leading channel dimension. Each timestepper also enforces the input to be of that shape. If you want to operate on multiple states in batch use jax.vmap on them. This follows the Equinox philosophy.

  • Allows for tighter composition with other function transformations. For example, when doing a temporal rollout one can either do rollout(jax.vmap(stepper), T)(u_0) or jax.vmap(rollout(stepper, T))(u_0). The former produces a trajectory of shape (T, B, C, *N) and the latter produces a trajectory of shape (B, T, C, *N) (i.e., the batch B and time T axes are swapped).

There are no custom grid or state classes (C)¤

  • Lean design that only focuses on JAX Arrays and PyTrees allows for tigher integration with other libraries in the JAX ecosystem.

There is no jax.jit being used in the package (C)¤

  • jit is supposed to be user-facing functionality

There are only limited shipped visualization routines (C)¤

  • Keeps the package lean and focused on the core functionality.
  • Visualization is very personal and problem-specific.