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Simple Advection exampleยค

The advection equation

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + c \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 0 \]

is one of the simplest partial differential equation. It describes a hyperbolic transport process. Under periodic boundary conditions, the solution at a point later in time is given by the moved initial condition

\[ u(x, t) = u_0((x - c t) \mod L) \]

using some loose notation of the modulo operator to enfore periodicity.

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import exponax as ex

Let's first create a grid that discretizes the domain \([0, L]\) into \(N\) degrees of freedom. Since we work with periodic domains, one of the boundary points, either \(x=0\) or \(x=L\), is redundant. Hence, we will linearly space \(N+1\) points over the domain and discard the last one. (Actually, discarding one boundary point is a prerequisite for using the FFT algorithm that is baked in all the solvers that are part of Exponax.)

grid = jnp.linspace(0, DOMAIN_EXTENT, NUM_POINTS + 1)[:-1]

plt.scatter(grid, jnp.zeros_like(grid))
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
2024-03-01 14:57:24.421211: W external/xla/xla/service/gpu/] The NVIDIA driver's CUDA version is 12.2 which is older than the ptxas CUDA version (12.3.52). Because the driver is older than the ptxas version, XLA is disabling parallel compilation, which may slow down compilation. You should update your NVIDIA driver or use the NVIDIA-provided CUDA forward compatibility packages.

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We can also print out the jax.numpy array containing the grid

Array([0.        , 0.05      , 0.1       , 0.15      , 0.2       ,
       0.25      , 0.3       , 0.35      , 0.4       , 0.45000002,
       0.5       , 0.55      , 0.6       , 0.65000004, 0.7       ,
       0.75      , 0.8       , 0.85      , 0.90000004, 0.95      ],      dtype=float32)

Handily, there is a function in Exponax that produces a grid

grid_from_exponax = ex.make_grid(
Array([[0.        , 0.05      , 0.1       , 0.15      , 0.2       ,
        0.25      , 0.3       , 0.35      , 0.4       , 0.45000002,
        0.5       , 0.55      , 0.6       , 0.65000004, 0.7       ,
        0.75      , 0.8       , 0.85      , 0.90000004, 0.95      ]],      dtype=float32)

This function takes three positional arguments:

  1. num_spatial_dims defining the dimensionality of the domain. For this tutorial, we work in 1D, so we pass 1.
  2. domain_extent
  3. num_points

Note that the shape of the grid array is different from the shape we got from jax.numpy.linspace.

grid.shape, grid_from_exponax.shape
((20,), (1, 20))

It has an additional singleton dimension in the beginning. This is to represent the dimensionality of the grid. In 1D, the shape of the grid is (1, N). In 2D, it would be (2, N, N), and so on.

Let's work with the grid_from_eponax from now on.

grid = grid_from_exponax

On this domain, we can discretize a function. Let's, for instance, use the first sine mode \(u_0(x) = \sin(2 \pi x / L)\).

Notice that we have to index both the grid array and the function array at [0] to remove the singleton dimension, and get an array for plotting.

Notice that we do not have a function value at \(x=1\) since we discarded the last mesh point.

ic_fun = lambda x: jnp.sin(2 * jnp.pi * x / DOMAIN_EXTENT)
ic = ic_fun(grid)

plt.plot(grid[0], ic[0])
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
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If we wanted to plot the function including its periodic extension, we had to wrap around the domain. This can be done by the wrap_bc function. Note that in order to then plot the function, we also need the "full grid" including the redundant point.

Notice again that we index at [0] to remove the singleton dimension.

full_grid = ex.make_grid(1, DOMAIN_EXTENT, NUM_POINTS, full=True)
full_ic = ex.wrap_bc(ic)
plt.plot(full_grid[0], full_ic[0])
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
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Next, let's instantiate the advection timestepper. We need to specify the velocity \(c\) and the timestep \(\Delta t\).

Note that (almost) all timesteppers in Exponax take as first four positional arguments:

  1. The num_spatial_dims defining the dimensionality of the domain. For this tutorial, we work in 1D, so we pass 1.
  2. The domain_extent
  3. The num_points (Important: Exclude the redundant point!)
  4. The timestep dt

in this order.

Other options, such as coefficients/constitutional parameters or numerical parameters, are passed as keyword arguments.

An advection problem is defined by its external velocity which we assume to be a constant \(c=1.0\).

DT = 0.2

advection_stepper = ex.stepper.Advection(

  _integrator=ETDRK0(dt=0.2, _exp_term=c64[1,11]),

Once instantiated, the timesteppers behave like a Python callable, taking a discretized function at time \(t\) (now called a state) and returning the discretized function at time \(t + \Delta t\) (i.e., the next state).

u_1 = advection_stepper(ic)

Let's plot the solution at \(t=0\) and \(t=0.1\) next to each other.

(Again, notice the indexing at [0] to remove the singleton dimension.)

plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(ic)[0], label="ic")
plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(u_1)[0], label="1 step")
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbc48571540>
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You notice that the initial condition moved by \(0.2\) space units to the right. Additionally, whatever left the domain at the right boundary re-entered at the left boundary. The shape of the function is preserved!

Moving by \(0.2\) space units in \(0.2\) time units corresponds to a velocity of \(c = 1\) which is exactly what we prescribed. Feel free to play around with the velocity \(c\), the timestep \(\Delta t\), and the domain size \(L\) to see how the solution changes. You will notice that ultimately only the value \(\frac{c \Delta t}{L}\) matters.

For any time-dependent phenomenon, we might be interested in not just computing one timestep into the future, but many. This is an inherently sequential process because we need the solution at time \(t\) to compute the solution at time \(t + \Delta t\). Let's compute the three following solutions.

u_2 = advection_stepper(u_1)
u_3 = advection_stepper(u_2)
u_4 = advection_stepper(u_3)

plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(ic)[0], label="ic")
plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(u_1)[0], label="1 step")
plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(u_2)[0], label="2 steps")
plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(u_3)[0], label="3 steps")
plt.plot(full_grid[0], ex.wrap_bc(u_4)[0], label="4 steps")
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbc4846b760>
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If we had performed another timestep, we would have returned to the initial condition because doing \(5\) steps with a \(c \cdot \Delta t = 0.2\) velocity corresponds to moving by \(1\) space unit. This is exactly the length of the domain \(L\)!

Now, we are interested in stacking the time steps into a trajectory. Manually, we could do this the following way.

short_trajectory = jnp.stack(
(5, 1, 20)

There is also a handy function within Exponax that does exactly this. In the spirit of JAX it is a function transformation. So far the advection_stepper is a mapping of \(\R^{1 \times N} \mapsto \R^{1 \times N}\). This function transformation turns it into a mapping of \(\R^{1 \times N} \mapsto \R^{T \times 1 \times N}\) where \(T\) is the number of time steps we want to perform into the future. It has the additional keyword flag to include the initial condition in the trajectory. Then, we mapping is \(\R^{N+1} \mapsto \R^{(T+1) \times 1 \times N}\).

short_rollout_advection_stepper = ex.rollout(advection_stepper, 4, include_init=True)
jnp.allclose(short_trajectory, short_rollout_advection_stepper(ic))
Array(True, dtype=bool)

Let's instantiate another advection timestepper with a smaller timestep and roll it out for \(200\) steps Let's use the rollout transformation for a longer trajectory, say \(200\) steps.

slower_advection_stepper = ex.stepper.Advection(
longer_rollout_advection_stepper = ex.rollout(
    slower_advection_stepper, 200, include_init=True
longer_trajectory = longer_rollout_advection_stepper(ic)

Then we can jax.vmap the wrap_bc function over the trajectory.

longer_trajectory_wrapped = jax.vmap(ex.wrap_bc)(longer_trajectory)

Then, we can visualize the trajectory as a spatio-temporal plot.

The indexing [:, 0, :] takes all temporal shapshots, removes the singleton domension, and takes all spatial points. We use a transposition .T to have the time dimension on the horizontal axis.

    longer_trajectory_wrapped[:, 0, :].T,
    extent=[0, 200 * SMALLER_DT, 0, DOMAIN_EXTENT],
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'advection')
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